Every weekend, USA TODAY takes a bite-sized look in approximately 180 characters per item at the past week's top stories from around the world.
Global elite descend on Davos
World leaders, CEOs and celebrities met in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the annual World Economic Forum meeting, and USA TODAY was there to provide full coverage of all the action. The meeting wraps Saturday.
Egyptians still waiting for freedoms
Three years after Egyptians rose up and ousted longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak, the country still faces unrest. Friday, multiple explosions rocked Cairo, killing six.
Opposition encouraged in Ukraine
Hopes were high Thursday for an end to the violent clashes, ongoing since November. The protests even spread to Davos, Switzerland, on Friday, where four dozen demonstrators appeared outside the WEF.
Mexican national executed
Texas executed a Mexican man Wednesday for killing a police officer, overriding objections from the U.S. State Department. In Mexico, support for the death penalty has climbed in response to murders and kidnappings.
Syria peace talks
A U.N. mediator said Friday that a Syrian government delegation and the opposition will meet Saturday. The announcement came after three days of discussions between the two sides.
Obama to meet Pope Francis
President Obama will meet with Pope Francis on March 27, capping a European trip. French President Francois Hollande met Friday with Pope Francis amid tensions in his private life over an alleged affair.
Quebec fire ravages seniors' home
A fire raged through a seniors' home in eastern Quebec on Thursday, leaving at least eight dead and 30 missing. The death toll was likely to climb.
Snowden goes online
Ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden, entertaining questions in an online chat Thursday from Moscow, called for global limits on surveillance but said, "Not all spying is bad."
Quick reaction force for Middle East
The Marine Corps is developing plans to establish a contingency force that will be based in the Middle East and be capable of responding to crises throughout the troubled region
Sochi threats continue
Experts say they expect new Sochi threats as the Games draw closer. The U.S. Olympic Committee and several other countries have received e-mails regarding such threats.
Source: USA Today
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